New Spring 2023 Designs

171F Northern Goshawk

171F Northern Goshawk. A medium size raptor tied to northern and wilderness areas.  Even in their remote habitats, their secretive habits make them difficult to spot. However, they are a spectacular bird and a favorite among raptor specialists. Design by Kevin with special assistance from Anne Price of the Raptor Education Foundation.

218 Northern Bobwhite

218 Northern Bobwhite. The only quail species native to the eastern half of the United States.  They are not a woodland bird. Their distinct call may be heard where the landscape opens up as meadows, grassy fields and savannahs. Design by Kevin.

052 Chipping Sparrow

052 Chipping Sparrow. These common sparrows like open landscapes where they are often seen foraging in low vegetation but with plenty trees and shrubs.  Their adaptations are well-suited to our towns and urban green areas.  They are found throughout temperate North American. Both mature males and females have a reddish-brown cap. Design by Kevin.

118D Phainopepla

118D Phainopepla.  Associated with southwestern scrub regions, Phainopepla are actually drawn to the mistletoe growing on desert trees like mesquite.  The berries make a large portion of the diets for these shiny black birds. Design by Kevin.

444 Firefly

444 Firefly.  Lightning bug or Firefly? There are regional preferences for what we call these beetles capable of producing their own light.  We went with “firefly” for our design to represent the many species living in North America. Design by Kevin.

5405 Blue Morpho Butterfly

5405 Blue Morpho. One of the largest and most spectacular butterflies in the world they are an important ambassador for the rainforests. Many butterfly aviaries breed them so visitors may meet them in person. Blue Morphos are native to Central and South American tropical forests and are considered endangered. Design by Kevin.

568B Fox Squirrel

568B Fox Squirrel. Fox Squirrels are about twice as large as their better known cousin, the gray squirrel.  Their habitat requirements are more specific so their populations are often  isolated and endangered in some places.  They like open woodlands with mature trees; especially oak, hickory, and pine. Design by Kelly.

340 Collared Lizard

340 Collared Lizard. A well-known and charismatic lizard of southwestern states because of their distinct color pattern, conspicuous size and diurnal habits. Their range extends eastward into midwestern prairies where they are associated with rocky outcrops. Design by Kevin.

638B Humuhumu

638B Humuhumunukunukuapua’a.  It’s not as hard to say as you might think once you find the rhythm. The humuhumu (for short) is also known as the Reef Triggerfish and has a wide distribution through much of the tropical pacific. In Hawaii, where the humuhumu is celebrated in a classic song “My Little Grass Shack,” the humumuhumu the publicly elected State Fish. Design by Kevin.

640 Nassau Grouper

640 Nassau Grouper. A large robust denizen of coral reefs in southern Florida and the Caribbean. Encountering one is likely a high point for recreational snorkelers and divers. Although grouper are highly desired for food, in US waters Nassau grouper are protected in order to allow the population to recover after overfishing. Design by Kevin.